“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. They are like arrows in a warriors hands..” Psalms 127:3-4

These days, it seems like children are viewed as a distraction, a bother, or even a burden.

If you’re being honest, it’s felt that way sometimes right?? Nobody is really having a great time when being asked why for the 347th time by 7am or watching "this cool trick" while they stand on their tippy toes... again.

Wiping booties and cleaning vomit is not exactly glamorous and can easily make our kids feel like a bother.

But Jesus doesn’t view them that way.

When some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could pray for them, the disciples tried to turn them away. The children were lowly and not important enough to see Jesus. 

Sometimes our children seem less important than the text message we need to reply to right?!

(not saying don't reply, if this reminded you of the text your friend sent last Wednesday, go ahead and reply to her real quick ;)

“But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19:14-15‬

Children are important to Jesus, so children should be made important to us.

They’re worth the exhaustion.

Worth the mess.

Worth the sacrifices.

Worth the discipline and training.

Worth putting down the phone and turning off the TV.

In the book M is for Mama, Abbie says, "We must not lose sight of the precious opportunity for eternal impact that sleeps so sweetly in our child's bed (even when they get out of it every other night to come pee ours)."

You can do it, mama. 

Not alone, but that's okay, you have help!

Look to the Lord for guidance, and raise em up the best you can. He will so graciously fill in our many gaps.

If we treat and train our children like they were created with purpose for such a time as this, and born to change the world;

I firmly believe they will.💛